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Showing posts with the label Healty food

Delicious 7 Healthy Breakfast Foods

Table of Content Healthy breakfast foods coffee smoothies  Bananas  Oatmeal  Fruits Green tea Breakfast – the most important meal of the day – determines what you eat throughout the rest of the day. Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or get lean, breakfast sets the tone. It is rightly termed as the most important meal of the day. No one will ever suggest you skip breakfast unless of course, you fill your plate with unhealthy foods.  We do not want to scare you into eating healthy but know that the wrong foods can cause cravings throughout the day making it hard for you to make the right eating choices. Eating well, on the other hand, will keep you full for longer, reduce cravings, and help with weight loss. Plus, you need to eat the right foods to stay energetic throughout the day. Healthy Breakfast Foods Eggs What would so many bodybuilders do if there were no eggs? Eggs are a staple in so many diets. Coming to the nutritional value of eggs, they are great for breakfast bec

High protein foods Top of The Sources

Table of Content Top protein source for vegetarians Beans Lentils Quinoa Tofu Fruits and veggies Fruits Peanut butter Chia seeds Vegetarian products aren’t the go-to protein foods. Animal products, especially meat, are usually more popular when it comes to getting this dietary building block - protein. Most plant-based foods are not complete proteins – they do not contain all of the nine essential amino acids (building blocks of protein). There’s good news though – a carefully planned plant-diet can provide you all the protein you need. On the brighter side, plant-foods are packed with fiber and are low in saturated fats, which makes them much more healthy for your heart. However, you cannot do without protein rich foods, vegetarian or non-vegetarian, because your body can produce Top Protein Sources for Vegetarians Beans Beans are a staple in Indian kitchens and you should have them if you want enough protein. Add them to any dish and you have a filling meal because they are packed wi

Best Immunity boosters

Table of contents 1.Citrus fruit 2.Ginger 3.Spinach 4.Red bell pepper 5.Garlic 6.Turmeric 7.Yogurt The biggest concern right now is how to contain and prevent coronavirus. As the number of cases of coronavirus in India and the rest of the world increase, you need to be careful and look for ways to improve your immunity. You are unlikely to find foods that will help prevent contracting COVID-19 but you can reduce the severity of the coronavirus symptoms and equip your body to fight the virus better. This is no different from getting your share of nutrients like vitamin C during the flu season in addition to maintaining proper hygiene – washing hands and sanitizing. Social distancing is the main precaution for coronavirus but you can also improve your   Immunity by eating certain foods.   *Citrus fruits Citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. It facilitates the production of white blood cells that primarily fight infections. Vitamin C isn’t prod