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Showing posts with the label Exercises

Easy excercises at home gives best results

Table of Content 5 back exercises to do at home Plank with arms raise Push up hold Superman Bridge pose Delt raise Our back is the most neglected part of the body considering that we sit all day long in a chair or laze in bed. Some of us are also guilty of not working out at all, which puts extra pressure on the back muscles. More and more people are suffering from a weak back or back pain regularly as the time spent in offices is increasing and the time spent at gyms or working out at home is decreasing. Back Exercises to do at Home Plank with Lateral Arm Raise This plank variation requires you to move your limbs away from your core. The movement of this exercise burns the fat on your back and works your abs as well How to do Plank with Lateral Arm Raise Assume the high plank position (also known as straight-arm plank) and ensure your hands are directly below your shoulders. Your feet should be placed a little wider than hip-width Lift your right arm on the side up to shoulder height.

Household Items for Makeshift Exercise Equipment

Table of Content Everyday object that work as workout Equipment  Stairs Chair Backpack Paper plates Towel  book Do you not want to reduce the intensity of your workouts even if you can’t go to the gym? Before we get to the household items you can use for working out, we must tell you that you can get equally good results, if not better, from bodyweight exercises. If you like to exercise a certain way, inaccessibility to gyms should not stop you. You don't need to spend lots of money on buying expensive equipment and not everyone can afford it. However, having a few basics like a pair of dumbbells, kettlebells, jumping rope, resistance bands, etc. wouldn’t be such a bad idea. The good news - you can find plenty of objects in your home that you can use to build a better body and stay healthy. Everyday Objects That Work As Workout Equipment Stairs You do not need a stepping machine if you have stairs at your home and there’s a good chance that you do. Start your cardio beginner for a