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Easy excercises at home gives best results

Table of Content

  1. 5 back exercises to do at home
  2. Plank with arms raise
  3. Push up hold
  4. Superman
  5. Bridge pose
  6. Delt raise

Our back is the most neglected part of the body considering that we sit all day long in a chair or laze in bed. Some of us are also guilty of not working out at all, which puts extra pressure on the back muscles. More and more people are suffering from a weak back or back pain regularly as the time spent in offices is increasing and the time spent at gyms or working out at home is decreasing.

Back Exercises to do at Home

Plank with Lateral Arm Raise

This plank variation requires you to move your limbs away from your core. The movement of this exercise burns the fat on your back and works your abs as well

How to do Plank with Lateral Arm Raise

  1. Assume the high plank position (also known as straight-arm plank) and ensure your hands are directly below your shoulders. Your feet should be placed a little wider than hip-width
  2. Lift your right arm on the side up to shoulder height. Keep your hips as still as possible
  3. Bring the right arm back and then raise the left arm to shoulder height
  4. Keep your core engaged throughout

Repeat 10 times on each side.

Push up Hold

Push-up is an amazing exercise and you should include it in your routine. However, you should try this variation instead of doing hundreds of pushups every day. This isometric exercise will help you build a strong back.

How to do Push-up hold

  1. With your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width and feet at hip-width, assume the push-up position. Make sure your body is in a straight line from head to heels
  2. Lower your upper body by bending your elbows. Stop a few inches above the ground and hold for one deep breath
  3. Push your body halfway up and hold for one deep breath
  4. Repeat point 2 and 3

Repeat 5 times.


This amazing exercise for your back engages your abs. For those who do not have a lot of back strength should do this daily. The position you assume would be just right for if you were flying and hence, it is called Superman.

How to do the Superman Exercise

  1. Lay down on the mat on your stomach and outstretch your arms in front of you
  2. Keeping your arms straight throughout, raise your hands and legs a few inches off the ground so that your body balances on your mid-section
  3. Hold for 5 seconds and then let your limbs drop down slowly

Repeat 8-10 times.

Bridge Pose

This classic yoga poses known as Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is great for your back. It opens up the chest, heart, and shoulders in addition to stretching the spine, back of the neck, and thighs.

How to do the Bridge Pose

  1. Lie on the mat on your back. Bend your knees and plant your feet on the floor. Keep your arms along your body - palms flat
  2. Lift your hips upward by pressing into your feet and arms. Exhale as you lift
  3. Push your tailbone toward the pubic bone but do not squeeze your glutes
  4. Keep your shoulders back and underneath your body
  5. Join your hands under your body and push them toward your heels
  6. Hold for 5-10 seconds

Repeat 8-10 times.

Delt Raise

When done correctly, this one shapes your back quite well. It improves body control. Make sure to use your back to perform this exercise rather than your arms.

How to do Delt Raise

  1. Hold a dumbbell (2-3 KGs or more if you can manage) in each hand. Place your feet at hip-width and bend your knees slightly
  2. Lower your torso and push your hips back so that your upper body is parallel to the ground
  3. Let your arms extend toward the floor, palms facing each other, and bend your elbows a little
  4. Lift your arms at shoulder height and hold for a deep breath
  5. Slowly lower your arms. Keep your core and glutes engaged throughout

Repeat 10 times.


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