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Facts of red and white onion's Works for Health

Do you want to know some more about onions?Facts of onions. First organized cultivation of onions started in Asia some 5,500 years ago. They quickly spread around the world, and became popular for their medicinal value and ease of storing in the winter. Onions are very healthy to eat. They are filled with complex sugars that keep our metabolism healthy, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, beta carotene, folate (one of the B vitamins), and they have no fat. Onions are some of the oldest vegetables that were used by the first modern civilizations. They were grown in ancient Egypt, where their spherical internal structure was believed to be a symbol of eternal life (because of that they were important part of burial ceremonies). One average sized onion has 30 calories. For more than 2000 years, ancient texts from Egypt, Greece and India talk about powerful abilities of onion as sexual aphrodisiac. For example Egyptian celibate priest were forbidden to eat onion because of the onions effect

Natural way to gain weight fast

We share natural way to gain weight deit.Do you know facts? Table of Content The danger of being underweight Natural way to gain weight with weight gain deit Consume more calories than you burn Get plenty of protein Consume energy dense foods Consume carbs and fats Lift heavy Everyone is going crazy about how to lose weight and here we are discussing how to gain weight. Well, you’re here and you know how difficult it is. Gaining weight is equally difficult to lose it, if not more. Being skinny is not necessarily healthy and it might be bad for your health too. Some want to increase their weight while others just want to add some muscle mass. Take heed though, overeating is not the way to do it. And don’t you make the mistake of thinking that you will gain weight in the right places; it comes first on the belly and leaves last. Nonetheless, there safe ways to quickly gain weight. The Danger of Being Underweight A Body Mass Index (BMI) lower than 18.5 means you're underweight. Howeve

HIIT foods after hard workout

Best Pre HIIT Foods .Food to eat post HIIT workout. Table of Content Best pre HIIT foods Foods to eat post HIIT workout Eggs Avocados Green leafy vegetables Bluberries Protein supplement We all love a good workout that makes us sweat and burns a lot of calories in a short period.  High intensity interval training (HIIT) is the workout that promises both. Several studies have proved that short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by short periods of rest result in  weight loss , strong muscles, and aerobic and anaerobic fitness. If you do not have a lot of time, a HIIT workout is all you need. But whether you get the right nutrition or not will define its efficacy. Therefore, after every HIIT workout refuel your body with the right foods that repair and develop the muscles in addition to replenishing the energy level. Best Pre-HIIT Foods The body needs some fuel to keep going during the workout, although you should not workout on a heavy stomach. The idea is to eat light and clean

Post Workout Food Nutrition .What to Eat?

Importance of post workout food for different nutrition.What to eat yoga class and exercises? Table of Content The importance of post workout food Post workout food for different types nutritions ⁰ to eat after a cardio workout What to eat after a yoga class What to eat after a strength training session What to eat after a pilates class  What to eat after a HIIT WORKOUT  If you workout, you workout hard. We all do what we can. However, do you ever find it hard to eat right after the workout? Well, that happens to most of us. Inevitably, you start feeling hangry, shaky, or even anxious. You might be wondering how to avoid all this. Well, the answer is to eat properly after working out and on time. Eating the right foods on time replenishes the energy expended during the workout. However, that’s not the only reason to eat well and on time. The only way to get the best of your workout is to eat well. Post-workout foods give your body the required  nutrition to maintain blood sugar  levels


Hairfall control by natural foods.Veggies and fruits for hair growth & Stronger. 1. Carrots Carrots and Sweet Potatoes: Sneak carrots in your diet for those long and lustrous locks. Known to be good for the eyes, carrots contain Vitamin A that also improves hair growth. Sweet potatoes are also packed with beta-carotene that converts to vitamin A in our body. A deficiency of vitamin A may lead to dry and itchy scalp. 2.Spinach Spinach: Spinach is a great source of iron, vitamin A and C and protein. Iron deficiency is the main cause of hair fall and spinach is not only iron-rich, it also contains sebum which acts as a natural conditioner for hair. It also provides us with omega-3 acid, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. These help in maintaining a healthy scalp and lustrous hair . 3.Egg Eggs and Dairy Products: Milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs etc. are loaded with essential nutrients such as proteins, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc and Omega 6 fatty acids. Dairy products are also a great sou

Do U Exercise When U Have Cold Or The Flue?

The season’s changing and summer will be here soon. Before we brace ourselves to tackle the soaring temperatures, we must do all we can to manage the prevalent cold and flu that will disrupt our fitness routines built diligently over the past couple of months. Most people get the flu twice a year; the cough, runny or jammed nose, and sniffles completely compromise your workout routine. Once you’re out of the routine, it’s easy to fall out of it completely. When you’re sick, you have to abstain from eating your favorite foods and that kind of explodes when you feel a little better, i.e., you eat more than you should. That is not good for your workout routine. Therefore, you ought to do what you can when you’re sick. You should know when it’s okay to workout and when to stay in bed, which can help you maintain your routine in the long run. Even though you may be suffering from a cold, you can still stay active. Experts believe that exercising prevents sickness but it’s not the right way

Best Of Your Home Workout

You should not have to give up exercising for anything. After all, it is what keeps you healthy and active. Now that the gyms and fitness centers are closed across the country due to the coronavirus scare, you can and should workout at home to keep your immune functions up and about. Social isolation is the best way to prevent COVID-19 and that is why it is not recommendable to workout at fitness centre. However, isolation might make you overeat and binge-watch television shows which is even worse than sitting in front of a desk all day. You need to relieve the stress that might accumulate throughout the day, which is usually followed by anxiety and even temporary depression. Bodyweight Exercises at Home You can achieve results nearly as good as you would at a gym or fitness center by doing bodyweight exercises for just 30-40 minutes every day. Among others, the following are great conditioning exercise: Plank Push-ups Mountain climbers Squats Lunges Triceps dips Burpees Start with a m