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Natural way to gain weight fast

We share natural way to gain weight deit.Do you know facts?

Table of Content

  1. The danger of being underweight
  2. Natural way to gain weight with weight gain deit
  3. Consume more calories than you burn
  4. Get plenty of protein
  5. Consume energy dense foods
  6. Consume carbs and fats
  7. Lift heavy

Everyone is going crazy about how to lose weight and here we are discussing how to gain weight. Well, you’re here and you know how difficult it is. Gaining weight is equally difficult to lose it, if not more. Being skinny is not necessarily healthy and it might be bad for your health too. Some want to increase their weight while others just want to add some muscle mass.

Take heed though, overeating is not the way to do it. And don’t you make the mistake of thinking that you will gain weight in the right places; it comes first on the belly and leaves last. Nonetheless, there safe ways to quickly gain weight.

The Danger of Being Underweight

The Danger of Being Underweight

A Body Mass Index (BMI) lower than 18.5 means you're underweight. However, the BMI only accounts for your weight and height and not your muscle mass. A BMI lower than 18.5 signifies a weight lower than what is required for optimal health.

Obesity is one of the biggest health problems in the world. However, being underweight is even worse - it poses a high chance of early death, more in men than in women. As it turns out, being overweight is much less harmful than being underweight. It may reduce immune function, cause osteoporosis, make you increasingly vulnerable to infections, and cause fertility problems. Moreover, underweight people may be a higher risk of dementia.

Natural Ways to Gain Weight with Weight Gain Diet

Consume More Calories Than you Burn

Consume More Calories Than You Burn

Create a calorie surplus through your deit to gain weight. Use a calorie calculator to find out how many calories you need every day and supply your body with more than it needs. Increase your calorie intake by 300-500 calories (more than you need) to gain weight slowly. If you want to gain weight faster, then go for 700-1,000 calories above the required number.

Calories, however, are an estimated measurement and your body might need a couple of hundred less or more. You would not need to consume an excess of calories for the rest of your life, just for a few weeks.

Don’t go drinking too many aerated drinks and sugary foods to gain weight because it will have adverse effects. You need to gain a balanced amount of muscle mass rather than unhealthy belly fat. Go for healthy foods and healthy activities.

Get Plenty of Protein

Get Plenty of Protein

Protein is what will help you gain healthy muscle mass. Muscle fibers are made up of protein and without it, the weight gain will be in the form of fat. Make it a high-protein diet when you eat more than you need to ensure that the calories are turned into muscle. Protein, however, fills you up faster, which might reduce your appetite. This will make it harder for you to get extra calories. But you’ll get there if you keep at it.

Get up to 1.5-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight. You can go higher if you’re aiming for a higher number of calories. Include more meat, eggs, fish, legumes, nuts, dairy products, etc. in your diet. Consult your nutritionist if you want to include whey protein as well.

Consume Energy-dense Foods

Consume Energy Dense Foods

A weight gain diet includes single-ingredient, whole foods. These foods are calorie-rich and are more filling as compared to junk food. This makes it harder to get a surplus of calories but you can use spices, sauces, and condiments can help with it. Adding some taste to it might help you eat more. Energy-dense foods contain a lot of calories as compared to their weight. Include the following in your diet:

  1. Peanuts, walnuts, macadamia nuts, almonds
  2. Prunes, raisins, dates, and other dried fruit
  3. Avocado and extra virgin olive oil
  4. Cheese, yogurt, whole milk, and other high-fat dairies
  5. Brown rice, oats, and other whole grains
  6. Lamb, beef, pork, chicken and other meat
  7. Potatoes and yams
  8. Peanut butter, granola, trail mix, dark chocolate, avocados

All these foods are quite filling. Although every diet should include fibrous foods like fruits and vegetables, you should limit their intake to be able to have more energy-dense foods.

Consume Carbs and Fats

Consume Carbs and Fats

Losing weight requires you to reduce carbs and fat intake. You have to go against the flow in this case if you want to gain weight. Don’t avoid high-carb or high-fat foods if you want the weight scale to move toward higher digits. The best combination for you is protein, carbs, and fats. Do not indulge in practices like intermittent fasting since they will only make it harder for you to get enough calories. Finally, eat at least 3 meals every day in addition to energy-dense snacks.

Lift Heavy

Lift Heavy

Lifting weights ensures that the extra calories add to your muscle mass instead of fat mass. Lift heavy weights 2-4 times every week; gradually increase weights and volume. Get in touch with floor trainers for instructions if you’re new to it. If you have tried it before and it didn’t help you, consult a doctor for medical issues like skeletal problems. 

For obvious reasons, you should focus on weight training and leave cardio out of your workout routine. Cardio is good for fitness but too much cardio or doing it when you want to gain weight can burn the additional calories, thereby draining all your hard work.


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