Exercising regularly plays a crucial role in weight maintenance. it's going to assist you burn off some extra calories and increase your metabolism. once you are within the state of energy balance (which means you burn an equivalent number of calories that you simply consume), your weight more likely remains an equivalent .
- Push-ups
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One of the foremost effective and traditional chest workouts ever, push-ups not only assist you build your chest muscles, but they also help provide specialise in other parts of your torso, such as your back, shoulders, triceps and even on the biceps. Another great point about push-ups is that they are available during a lot of sorts like weighted push-ups, arc push-ups, pike push-ups, and far more!
- Burpees
A Burpee workout is one among the simplest ways to burn fat while improving your strength and resistance. Burpees also help improve breathing. This killer combination of freehand exercises can spend to 50% more calories per minute. Along with burning more calories, it also helps improve your metabolism if done faster – about 10 sets a moment .
A Burpee workout is one among the simplest ways to burn fat while improving your strength and resistance. Burpees also help improve breathing. This killer combination of freehand exercises can spend to 50% more calories per minute. Along with burning more calories, it also helps improve your metabolism if done faster – about 10 sets a moment .
- Shoulder Press
This workout targets your biceps and triceps and is a great way to tone and tighten your arms. If you’re excited about dumbbell shoulder press workout, grab a dumbbell in each hand and stand together with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold the dumbbells just above your shoulders, palms facing one another . Press the weights up until your arms are straight overhead. Hold for 1 second, then take 3 seconds to lower the dumbbells back to starting position. Repeat 3 to 6 times.
- Dumbbell Chest Press

The Dumbbell chest press is one among the simplest exercises you'll do for your chest muscles. It strengthens your shoulders, triceps and chest muscles and it also helps to tone your upper body, improves posture, and prevents injuries. When doing an upper body workout, it’s vital to figure not only your arms and shoulders but also your back and chest.
- Keep yourself hydrated
Drinking water is definitely helpful for maintaining your weight. Those who drink water before eating a meal had a 13% reduction in calorie intake, compared to participants who didn't drink water at all. Drinking water regularly may promote fullness and increase your metabolism, both of which are important in weight maintenance.
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