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International day against drug abuse and illicit traffic - 2020

Say no to drugs live less out of habit and more out of intent .Today is international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking.

Say no to drugs

The International Day Against substance abuse and Illicit Trafficking may be a United Nations International Day against substance abuse and therefore the illegal drug trade. It is observed annually on 26 June, since 1989. The date June 26 is to commemorate Lin Zexu's dismantling of the opium trade Humen, Guangdong, ending in June 25 1839,just before the primary Opium War in China. The observance was instituted by General Assembly Resolution 42/112 of seven December 1987.

On 26 June 1987, two important texts (Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in substance abuse Control & Declaration of the International Conference on substance abuse and Illicit Trafficking) were adopted at the International Conference on substance abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which was held in Vienna during 17-26 June 1987. The Conference recommended that an annual day should be observed to mark the importance of the fight against substance abuse and illicit trafficking. Both the dates 17 June and 26 June were suggested, and within the later meetings 26 June was chosen and written into the draft and final resolution.

It is often mentioned by Anti-Drug campaigners as 6/26. A play on Marijuana smokers "4/20" day to celebrate cannabis.

The UN's 2007 World Drug Report[2] puts the worth of the illegal drug trade at US$322 billion a year.

Campaigns, rallies, poster designing and lots of other programs are conducted. People of different countries celebrate the day together. As drug use increases[citation needed], the day becomes more important.

‘Health for Justice. Justice for Health’, the theme for International Day against substance abuse and Illicit Trafficking 2019, highlights that “justice and health are two sides of an equivalent coin when it comes to addressing drug problems.”


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