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Rich Nutrition in banana

Banana is the one of most rich nutrition fruit in this planet. We share some essential nutrition and carbs inforfation of banana.


Let’s mention the essential minerals and vitamins which are found in bananas:

A medium sized banana contains almost 27 grams of carbohydrates, of which 14.5 grams comes from sugar which is employed by body cells as a source of energy, additional 3.1 grams of carbohydrates comes from dietary fibre and it also contains around 1.3 grams of protein which is nearly 2% of the daily protein required by physical body . Banana also boosts your post workout muscle recovery time.


Sugar                -        14.43 gms

Fats                -            0.13 gms

Carbs               -      26.95 gms    

Fiber              -       3.07 gms        

Protein             -       1.29 gms    

Calories           -            101.02 gms

Vitamin is an important source of nutrient that each organism requires in limited amounts and banana may be a rich source of vitamins mentioned and explained below:

Banana provides a source of several micronutrient compounds required by the body including vitamins such as VITAMIN A, C, E and K and others like VITAMIN B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6 and B-9. These vitamins help in boosting the energy levels, promotes healthy cellular support, is antioxidants that forestalls the body from several diseases, helps body get over any injury by forming blood clots and supports the metabolism.

Mineral &Nutrient 

Minerals are Components of food required by body for various functions, like magnesium and calcium is vital for body’s bone structure, iron is required for transportation of oxygen by the red blood cells etc.

There are two main sorts of Minerals required by the body which are:

Macro Minerals that include- Calcium, Magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, chloride, potassium and sodium etc. Macro minerals help in maintenance of vital sign , assistance in production of hormones, keeping bones and teeth strong, keeping flexible joints and maintaining the blood volume within the body.

Trace Minerals that include- Iodine, Copper, Cobalt, Iron, Fluoride, Zinc etc. Trace minerals are required in less quantity in the body but they are not to be ignored or should not be considered unimportant. Trace minerals help the body to make haemoglobin and connective tissues, produces energy cells, prevents tooth decay and helps in metabolism and bone formation.


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