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Biceps And Triceps Exercises & Toned Arms Exercises

Best of biceps and triceps exercises.Make your Arms strong by these exercises.

Table of Content

  1. 5 exercises for toned arms
  2. Push ups
  3. plank walk dowm
  4. Curl and press
  5. Front and lateral dumbbell raise
  6. Triceps dip


Biceps and triceps are the major muscle groups in the arms. Choose a variety of exercises to tone your strong arms by targeting these muscles. As the name suggests, two muscles make up the biceps, which run along the front of the arm. Triceps, for that matter, are three muscles on the back of the arm.

Building your shoulder muscles, which are known as deltoids, is good for your strong arms. Studies suggest that women tend to store fat on their arms and legs as opposed to men who tend to store fat in their chest cavity and their stomachs. Now, it might be harder for women to tone their arms and legs but it also means that they are less prone to diseases cause there’s less fat around their organs.

5 Exercises for Toned Arms



The push-up is the first exercise anyone will advise you to do. It may not be new or exciting but it is one of the most effective upper body exercises and you do not need any equipment to do it either. Getting the push-up exercise benefits can be hard at first since you might not be strong enough. That’s okay – instead of putting your hands on the floor, put them on an elevated surface like a couch or a chair. You can also do it with your knees on the floor. If you still can’t perform push-ups, put your hands on the wall. Decrease the incline gradually as you feel your strength growing.

How to do push-ups

  1. Place your hands under your shoulder and keep your arms straight
  2. Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the ground
  3. Make sure that your elbows are tucked in
  4. Press back up until your arms are straight. 
  5. Do as many reps as possible

Plank Walk Down

Plank Walk Down

The plank walk down is one of the many variations of the plank; it develops your triceps and improves your push up technique. This variation increases the challenge and strengthens the core in addition to working the stong arm muscles. The plank walk down is good for the chest and shoulders as well, which makes it a great upper body exercise.

How to do plank walk down

  1. Assume the extended plank or push-up position
  2. Bend your right arm to shift your weight on your forearm
  3. Next, bend the other arm similarly to come into the standard plank position
  4. Then, straighten your right arm and shift your weight back on your palm
  5. Do the same with the other arm so that you’re back to the original position
  6. Repeat 10-20 times

Curl & Press

Curl and Press

The curl & press is a combination of the bicep curl and shoulder press. It is usually done with light dumbbells to add some resistance.

How to do curl & press

  1. Place your feet at shoulder-width and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Your palms should face out
  2. Curl your forearms till the weights touch the shoulders. Keep your elbows by your sides
  3. Next, rotate your palms so that they face forward
  4. Extend your arms straight above your body and over your head. Keep your core activated and lower your shoulders
  5. Then, lower your arms slowly until your palms are parallel to your shoulders
  6. Rotate your palms toward yourself and lower down your arms slowly to reach the original position
  7. Repeat 8-10 times

Front & Lateral Dumbbell Raise

Front and Lateral Dumbbell Raise

This exercise is a great one for your shoulders. If you’re a beginner, use single-digit weights. You can pick 10 KG plus weights if you have been working with weights for a while.

How to do front & lateral dumbbell raise

  1. Stand straight, chest up, and slightly bend your knees
  2. Keep your hands in front of your thighs with your palms facing inward
  3. Raise your arms together in front of you. Keep your elbows straight and ensure that the arms are  shoulder-width apart
  4. Bring your arms down and then raise your arms at your side. The elbows should be slightly bent. Keep your wrists straight
  5. Repeat the whole thing 8-10 times

Triceps Dip

Triceps Dip

Triceps dip benefits the upper arm workout and the set of three muscles in the back of the arms. Performing this exercise will help you with daily activities in addition to balancing your body. Triceps dips increase your strength associated with pulling.

How to do triceps dip

  1. Sit on the edge of a stable chair or bench. Place the hands on the edge next to your body with your fingers pointing toward your feet. Extend your feet, which should be at hip-width and heels touching the ground
  2. Lift your body off the surface by pressing into your palms and slide forward so that your body clears the edge of the surface
  3. Lower your body till your elbows reach a right angle
  4. Push back up slowly to the start position and repeat 10 times


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